Thursday 2 November 2023

Writing Competition

 Canoes, Caves, Matches

While Max was exploring the Otaki forks in his canoe he passed some caves, when he looked back he was vastly approaching some white rapids. Often the rapids are too dangerous for canoes but today the river was at around 30% flow rate. The Otaki river changes it flow rates every few hours depending on how much rain there has been in the past few days.

Max took a stop on the side of the river to eat some food, he had bought no food in his pack. He had bought a line and hook so he went to the banks and picked a worm out of the ground, chucked it on his hook and the worm went flying into some still water. While Max waited he decided to light a fire to cook the fish he would hopefully catch. He flicked a match into the fire and set alight to the bundle of dry sticks. Little did he notice he had dropped the rest of the matches into the small pit and the fire blazed up to his moustache and burnt a few hairs.  

Once he had caught his fish he cooked it in the amber of the fire and sat back for a few minutes. When his fish was cooked he gobbled it up and set on his way back home on his yellow canoe, down the rapids and rocks he went till he reached the Otaki bridge and drove home.

Reflective Writing

 We are now into our fourth week of our 'trial' class for Manukura. So far this class has been going well for me, being in the Manukura class you are expected to show the same values as the morning group. This means doing everything 110%, always being on task and having integrity. There are consequences for not showing these values, this keeps me doing the right thing constantly.

Compared to my old classes I do a lot more work because there were never consequences if I didn't complete it. I am more motivated now to do work because I enjoy what we do. It is good to be in a class with all of your friends but still have to do all your work. Now coming to school I show up in a good mood because i'm doing something I enjoy compared to last term I hated school.

Thursday 26 October 2023

Wednesday 25 October 2023

An Inspiring Leader


This is my slideshow of an inspiring leader, I chose Baylen Levine for mine.
we were made to do this in the Manukura class as one of our tasks.

Wednesday 18 October 2023

My personality type


This result Surprised me because I always thought I was an open person. I know I tend to follow my friends actions but I try not to, I'm constantly trying to care more for others and not be so self focused. I was surprised when it said i'm Independent because I constantly find myself discussing problems with my friends. This is helpful for the future because explains I would rather work alone so I probably wouldn't be a good manager/boss, but I can always work towards that.

Tuesday 17 October 2023


 I believe that leadership is how you set an example for others, I believe being a good leader is accomplished by hard work and perseverance. Leadership is the ability to guide a group or team in a way that is balanced, not too strict or easy. Good leaders are able to influence others by doing the right thing. An important quality of a leader is integrity, this means doing the right thing when no one's looking. Having confidence and self awareness are also attributes of good leadership. I also believe being able to read the room and be relatable are critical leadership skills. I think a good leader is always learning.

Monday 16 October 2023

Ko Wai Au - Who Am I?


This is my Ko Wai Au presentation I made in the Manukura Class.

Friday 17 March 2023

Sad joke on a Marae

Sad joke on a marae, In English this week we read a poem called sad joke on a marae by Apirana Taylor. It is about a Man who didn't have the best childhood and wasn't treated right, The only maori he knew was Tehei Mauriora.

In the text he says his pepeha in English, in the pepeha he says the pub is my marae. that is why I drew a pub.

Wednesday 15 March 2023

My impression of the Treaty of Waitangi

 I Think the British is in the wrong for wanting to be the chief of new Zealand. and the British kind of mislead the Maori by the words they spoke. It is fair that some chiefs didn't agree because like with all politics not everyone will agree.